| If you would like to receive additional information, to share your views, or to make comments on the traffic calming project, please contact: Route 50 Corridor Coalition PO Box 1555 Middleburg, VA 20118 Phone: (540) 687-4055/ Fax: (540) 687-3779 E-mail: route50cc@erols.com The 1996 two volume report, “A Traffic Calming Plan for Virginia’s Rural Route 50 Corridor, Fauquier and Loudoun Counties, Including Aldie, Middleburg, and Upperville” is available at all Fauquier and Loudoun public libraries, at the Book Chase in Middleburg, or through the Route 50 Corridor Coalition. On request, we will include your name on the mailing list for Coalition newsletters. We also publish selected articles from recent newsletters on our site. Transportation links Land Use Links |